What the kids are saying!

"Dear Yo-Yo Man, I like your tricks, you are good, you're cool!"

~Steve, 2nd grade

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Yo-Yo Tricks

Up and Down - Drop the yo-yo. When it reaches the bottom tug up so the yo-yo comes back up. Do it as long as you can to get the feel of the yo-yo.

Hard Sleeper Throw - Grasp the yo-yo in the palm of your hand with the string facing out. Lift your hand toward your chin like you are making a muscle. Throw the yo-yo in a hard downward motion. When the yo-yo leaves your hand, stop your hand. The yo-yo should stay in the down position while still spinning. This is called making the yo-yo sleep. Let the yo-yo touch the ground while it’s sleeping and you will be walking the dog. Tug on the string and the yo-yo will come up.

Elevator - Do a hard sleeper throw. With your yo-yo hand make the shape of the letter “C”. With the index finger of your free hand grab the yo-yo string and pull it through the “C”. This will draw the yo-yo up toward your yo-yo hand. When it is close to the top of your yo-yo hand let go and the yo-yo will return to your hand.

Around the Corner - Do a hard sleeper throw. Turn your yo-yo hand palm up and raise it level with your ear. Take the elbow of your yo-yo arm and place it against the yo-yo string. Reach down with your yo-yo hand and pinch the yo-yo string four inches above the yo-yo. If you tug on the string the yo-yo will come up over your elbow and end up in front of your body.

Through the hoop - Do a hard sleeper throw. Bring the yo-yo behind your leg. Set the yo-yo on the ground so you walk the dog through your legs. Tug on the string and the yo-yo will come back around your leg and end up in front of you.

Break a way - Place the yo-yo in the palm of your hand with the string facing out. Lift your hand toward your ear like you are making a muscle. Do a hard sleeper throw to the side. Let the yo-yo pass by the floor. When it reaches the other side at your waist tug on the string and the yo-yo will return to your hand. (This trick is the beginning step to more advanced tricks).

Pinwheel - Do the trick Break a way. As the yo-yo reaches the other side at your waist, pinch the string with your free hand about six inches from the yo-yo. Swing the yo-yo in several small circles. Let the string go and the yo-yo will come back to you.

Trapeze - Do the trick Break a way. Before the yo-yo reaches the other side at your waste put out the index finger of your free hand. Let the yo-yo string hit the bottom of your index finger. The yo-yo will continue up around your finger. You must try and land the yo-yo on the string. This is a very advanced trick and may take 2-3 weeks to accomplish.

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